Attention Christ followers who want to be carriers of His glory!

Know How To Operate In The Glory And Timing Of God So You Know What To Do And When To Do It

Discover How To Navigate Through These Changing Times With Godly Wisdom, Insight, Expectation, And Preparation

And he (Moses) said, "Please, show me Your glory."
Then He (God) said, "I will make all My goodness pass before you,
and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you." (Exodus 33:18-19)


Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord!

We are in one of the most pivotal times in all of history and we need to understand the times we are in and know what to do.

Never before have we seen such darkness covering the earth, but we know Isaiah 60 is coming to pass before our eyes. The Lord is saying arise, shine for your light has come, and glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

Everything than can be shaken is being shaken. It seems we are at the brink of a financial crisis, moral crisis, family crisis, energy crisis, education crisis, job crisis... and more.

We need discernment and Godly wisdom to be able to THRIVE in these trying times. It is vital that you know WHAT to do, WHEN to do it, and WHO to do it with.

God wants us to understand and interpret our times so we can prosper in EVERY season and have wisdom to advance! A big part of walking in God's blessing involves seeing things from His perspective and understanding the seasons of life, and we believe that God is calling us to help you to do that.

Let me ask ...

  • Do you feel lost as to what to do and who to do it with during these times of shifting and sifting?
  • Are you confused by so much contradictory information and wonder who to believe or how it all fits together?
  • Do you want to want to not only see God's glory but be a carrier of God's glory?
  • Are you ready to Arise and Shine?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you are invited to ...

Soaring 444: Show Me Your Glory

Ezekiel 44:4 - "Then brought he me the way of the north gate before the house: and I looked, and, behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD: and I fell upon my face."

The purpose of this 12-session Global Prophetic Roundtable is to open your eyes of understanding so you can be a carrier of God's glory.

Each of the previous 12-session Soaring courses had a specific impact for that season.

  • Soaring777 was about equipping the church.
  • Soaring222 was about discipling people to ultimately disciple nations.
  • And Soaring333 was about contending with God for your breakthrough.

Now, because we are entering a new unprecedented season of change, the Lord has given us a mandate to release Soaring444 to help His people understand the times and seasons so they know how to operate in the glory and timing of God, so they know what to do and when to do it.

We've already seen hundreds of lives dramatically impacted during the previous Soaring series because of the anointing that goes through the airwaves on the Soaring into Your Destiny live broadcasts. We have testimonies of dramatic healings and miracles.

You need to know how to host the presence of God and how to dwell in the presence of God. God is calling us to be His Tabernacle in the Earth right now, individually and corporately with the glory and the Presence of God indwelling in us so we can release His Presence, His Love and His Power, as He directs us.

It's important to operate out of a relationship of the love of the Father and live from the third Heaven, understanding what it's like, and how to live seated in heavenly places with Christ.

The Lord wants you to understand how to obtain and receive the scrolls and blueprints for your life. The Lord knew you before you were born. Every one of your days was written in His book. If you're living for Christ, then He's unrolling those things, and releasing an understanding of who you are, such as you never have been before.

It's time to ARISE AND SHINE in Christ and with Christ, the hope of glory, in a new way.

The people who partake of this series will be a clearer reflection of Christ and what Heaven on Earth is about. Jesus said, "Let it be on Earth as it is in Heaven." That's what the Lord wants to do, bring Heaven to Earth, and see us rise up and take our place right now.

Your thinking and life will be dramatically changed in so many ways you can't even imagine right now. We've seen it time and time again.

And this time, the firebrand of the Lord is on these twelve sessions. Every time we meet it is a glory gathering - a gathering where the Lord Himself meets with us and releases His presence on the broadcasts, in lives, and homes, and families throughout the world.

Holy Spirit is inviting you to partake of this prophetic roundtable.

Topics for the Soaring444 Prophetic Roundtable

Here are the topics and speakers for this Global Prophetic Roundtable.

The God I Never Knew by Robert MorrisSession 1: The God I Never Knew (January 12, 2016)
Speaker: Dr. John Burpee, founder of John Burpee Ministries
Panelists: Dr. Theresa Phillips, Lynne Lee, Glenisaah Stauffer

Description: Many people find the Holy Spirit mysterious, confounding, even controversial. Why is the third person in the Godhead, the one Jesus said would be the believer's ultimate source of truth and comfort, the source of such confusion?

During this broadcast, we discuss:

  • Knowing the person Holy Spirit
  • Understanding He is a person, not a force, who speaks to our mind, will and emotions
  • Our role as Ambassadors of the King
  • Not grieving Holy Spirit

Session 2: Changing of the Garb (January 19)
Speaker: Brian Francis Hume
Panelists: Sergio Scataglini, Tammie Southerland, Nancy Slocum

Description: Understanding the times and seasons demands that we're clothed in "true righteousness and holiness" (Ephesians 4:24). Without the anvil of righteousness and the fire of holiness, we have neither the eyes to see nor hands to seize God's fullness for our lives. The changing of the garb permits Him to remove our filthy garments so that we're fully consecrated unto Him and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Session 3: The Role of The Prophetic in The Glory (February 2)
Speaker: Dr. Theresa Phillips, founder of Global Prophetic Voice
Panelists: Kathi Pelton, Glenisaah Stauffer, Lynne Lee

Description: As prophecy increases throughout the nations, His prophetic ambassadors will be positioned in strategic places to release declarations. They will be invoking a Presence to accelerate souls and destinies into the body of Christ by becoming naturalized citizens of His kingdom. Much of the prophetic increase will be accompanied by the presence of many angelic beings sent to secure the word by ministering to the heirs of salvation. These ambassadors of the Throne Room are sent to accompany the Holy Spirit as He calls to salvation.

Session 4: How God Trains and Equips His Dread Champions (February 9)
Speaker: Phil Zaldatte, founder of Prolific Leadership Solutions
Panelists: Lynne Lee, Mary Webb

Description: God is setting the stage for Daniel, Joseph and Esther type army to emerge and impact the world. In order for them to do this they will need some specific tools to navigate this "White Water World" we find ourselves in today. Come join us as we take a look how God trains and equips His Dread Champions!

Releasing the Sound of Jubilee by James NesbitSession 5: Releasing the Sound of Jubilee (February 16)
Speaker: James Nesbit, founder of James Nesbit Art and Tribe Quantum
Panelists: Jamie and Jonathan Fitt, cofounders of Philadelphia Tabernacle of David

Description: Lighting the Darkness Up, The Sound of the Sons, Releasing the Power of Awakening Light!
We have entered the fulness of time, and the greatest awakening the earth has ever known. "For [even the whole] creation [all nature] waits eagerly for the children of God to be revealed." (Romans 8:19). The moment all creation has awaited has arrived!

Session 6: The Late Great Prophet Debate (February 23)
Speaker: Dr. Cheryl-Ann Needham
Panelists: Brother Robin D. Bullock, Dr. Robert A Needham

Description: Have you noticed how divided we are between two prophetic camps regarding the times? One camp prophesies "Judgement is Coming" and the other prophesies "Don't Worry Be Happy." How can two diametrically opposed views exist? Could a little of both be right? How can you know? Is there a bridge that can span the divide leading us to Truth that sets us free?

Session 7: A Launch Pad Year (March 1)
Speaker: Joe Joe Dawson
Panelists: Brian Francis Hume, Tammie Southerland, Jason Armstrong, Ryan Johnson

Description: The Lord is "launching" many things in this New Year... and with that comes shifting and positioning for what He's going to launch. You'll be greatly encouraged in this word by Joe Joe Dawson and the launch pad year we are in.

Healing Starts NowJoe Joe shares: This is going to be the year of acceleration, shifting, alignment, stepping into, regaining, fulfillment, abundance, overflow, suddenly and the year of the launch.

Session 8: Healing Starts Now! (March 8)
Speaker: Joan Hunter, founder of Joan Hunter Ministries
Panelists: Pending

Description: Joan Hunter is a compassionate minister, dynamic teacher, an accomplished author, and an anointed healing evangelist. She has devoted her life to carry the message of hope, deliverance and healing to the nations. As President and Founder of Hearts 4 Him and Joan Hunter Ministries, her vision is to equip believers to take the healing power of God beyond the 4 walls of the church to the 4 corners of the earth. Joan's genuine approach and candid delivery enables her to connect intimately with people from all walks of life. Some have described her as being like a Carol Burnett with the anointing of Jesus.

Session 9: Aligning With Heaven Where Anything is Possible (Rescheduled to April 26)
Speaker: David Herzog, founder of The Glory Zone and David Herzog Ministries
Panelists: Pending

Description: Part of aligning with heaven is learning to live in the glory. The glory is the manifest presence of God as it is in Heaven. You have power in the courts of Heaven. David Herzog's revelation of the "Courts of Heaven" shows divine justice is available for every believer. David shows how you can access heaven 24/7, and he sees results everywhere he goes.

2016 Prophetic ForecastSession 10: 2016 Prophetic Forecast (March 22)
Speaker: Doug Addison
Panelists: Lynne Lee, Mary Webb

Description: Doug Addison has been releasing prophetic words on his blog for over ten years. In 2015, he had two spiritual encounters in which God spoke to him to pull all his words together into book form.

We have been living in a time in which there has been an abundance of prophetic words and revelation, but not enough wisdom and understanding as to the timing of them. The result of not seeing prophecy fulfilled has brought prophetic disappointments. The 2016 Prophetic Forecast is a tool to guide you with the prophetic insights and strategies you need for what God is doing in 2016 and how to get into God's timing for your life 2016 and beyond.

Session 11: God's Time - The Kingdom Age (March 29)
Speaker: Kat Kerr
Panelists: Johnny Enlow, Lex and Caroline Lamotte

Description: God is revealing not only His exact time and season we are living in, but with vivid detail He describes what it will look like as His sons and daughters begin to demonstrate the unmeasurable power of the living God to this world. It will catapult you into the reality of being that New Creation in Christ Jesus, not only fearless but dangerous too. Prepare to run your race with your crown on and push back the darkness. We Rule, because He Rules.

Gateway to the Seer Realm by Barbie BreathittSession 12: Gateway to the Seer Realm (April 19, 2016)
Speaker: Dr. Barbie Breathitt, founder of Breath of the Spirit Ministries

Description: Dr. Barbie Breathitt is a gifted Seer who has years of personal experience interpreting dreams and ministering in the prophetic realm. During this broadcast, she will share valuable insight into understanding the ways of God and the supernatural realms of vision, dreams, healing, and destiny.

You will learn:

  • What the Seer Realm is and why you need to access it
  • That intimacy and friendship with God are keys to hearing and understanding God's ways
  • The natural and supernatural ways God communicates with you daily
  • How to walk into an entirely new dimension of revelation knowledge

Bonus Sessions

Bonus Session #1: Prophetic Evangelism (December 2, 2015)

Speaker: Phil Zaldatte
Panelist: Lynne Lee

Prophetic evangelism is not just for a few select prophets , but is another powerful tool for any believer wanting to share the message of the Kingdom in the marketplace and with the world. If we ask God to use us and declare ourselves available, he will use you and me to reach the world.

Bonus Session #2: Prophecy: What Is It? (December 18, 2015)

Speaker: Phil Zaldatte
Panelists: Glenisaah Stauffer

During this training, Phil Zaldatte will discuss: 1) Biblical References, 2) The Prophetic Tools Or Gifts, 3) Biblical Application Of Prophecy, 4) The Spirit of Prophecy: A Closer Look At Prophetic Evangelism, Jesus Style, and 5) Hearing From God.

Bonus Session #3: Unity that Commands His Blessing (January 5, 2016)

Speaker: Dr. Cheryl-Ann Needham
Panelists: Glenisaah Stauffer, Dr. Theresa Phillips, Steve Chelette

During this training, Dr. Cheryl-Ann Needham will discuss: 1) How to have the Unity that Commands His Blessing, 2) How not having the Power of Agreement is affecting your Mandate, 3) How you can Defy Goliath and move from Streams to Unity, 4) How to Apply Nehemiah's Building Plan, and 5) How to Avoid being Legalistic.

Bonus Session #4: Carriers of His Glory with (April 12, 2016)

Speaker: Dr. James Goll
Panelists: Barbie Breathitt, Lynne Lee, and Glenisaah Stauffer

Join Dr. James W. Goll as he teaches us from Exodus 33 concerning the cry of Moses that should be our heart cry today as well. In fact, there is a new generation of believers in Jesus that is arising today around the world. Their cry is not only, "Show me Your Glory!" But their cry is, "Let me be a carrier of Your glory where ever I go!"

How This Training Program Works

This powerful 12-session Global Prophetic Roundtable took place January through April of 2016. The theme is "Show Me Your Glory".

Each week we had one main speaker along with several apostolic/prophetic panelists.

Online TrainingThe live global broadcasts (webinars) took place on Tuesdays from 4-5:30 pm Eastern Time (New York time). The first 60-80 minutes of each webcast was typically reserved for the presentation, panel discussion, and prophetic prayer and impartation. The last 20-40 minutes or so is typically set aside for Q&A and interaction with our global audience.

After signing up, you will receive immediate access to the private member site with video and audio replays, transcripts, PowerPoints, and other relevant bonus resources.

As a member, you have access to a private Facebook group where you can interact with like hearted people, and build relationships with other spiritually minded members in a safe, trusting environment.

We are living in a moment of acceleration and advancement in the Kingdom and we must take hold and seize the day. God is empowering, equipping, and strategically connecting His children so that they can grow into who they really are, and learn how to be the Army of the Lord. It's going to take generals who are equipped with vision to win the war.


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction GuaranteeIf you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when you sign up and we will either reconcile the situation or gladly refund all your money.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Guaranteed!

Your success is our success and vice versa!


Soaring 444: Show Me Your Glory
Priority Order Form

Soaring eagle YES! I want to participate in this Global Prophetic Roundtable to become a carrier of God's glory and soar into my destiny.

It's not too late to join. After signing up, you will receive immediate access to the private member site with audio and video replays, outlines, PowerPoints, and transcripts for each session.

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Joseph PeckBlessings to understand the times and seasons!


Joseph Peck, M.D.
The Time Doctor
Empowering Dreams
Author, I Was Busy Now I'm Not

P.S. God is on the move empowering, equipping, and strategically connecting His saints globally. You are invited to be a part of this unprecedented move of God. Seize the opportunity today.


Dr. Joseph Peck is a physician, author, speaker, creative marketing and communication strategist, and 30-60-100 Dream Coach. His passion is creating a movement EMPOWERING DREAMS of millions of people through coaching, journaling, and life-changing webinars. His gift is connecting people, ideas, and resources for creative miracles. Dr. Peck is known by many as The Time Doctor.

Understanding the Times